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Bob Dixon

Agency Manager


Middlesboro, KY 40965


Go Big Blue!

OUTDOOR TRUTHS: Maybe You Should Wait

By Gary Miller

It was a cold October day. The fog wouldn’t lift until late morning. It was the opening day of Kentucky’s muzzleloader season, and I was high atop a mountain looking for a buck making his way back to his bedding area. The day was perfect for deer movement, and it wasn’t long until the action began. It didn’t quit until about 11:30 that morning. As soon as daylight broke, I began to softly rattle just enough to let the neighborhood deer know there were two bucks around. I especially wanted the boss buck to know that he had two intruders. At 9:00 I spotted antlers about 45 yards away. The buck stood at that distance for a minute or two, long enough for me to get a decent glimpse of the size of his head gear. I was in big buck territory, and I had my hopes set on a wall-hanger. This buck was close to being just that. As he looked up toward me, I quickly appraised the width of his rack. He was a good buck; not exactly what I was looking for, but nevertheless a good buck. That’s when the temptation began.

For the next 10 minutes I watched that buck through my scope. I counted eight points and no brow tines. He came as close as 25 yards. I wanted to pull the trigger so bad, but I also wanted to wait. I knew in Kentucky a hunter has only one buck tag, so whatever I took would end my season in that state. In a matter of a few short minutes I argued, debated, and weighed my options. I was torn in so many directions. I could settle for what was sure and safe or I could wait with no promise of ever seeing anything bigger the rest of the season. I passed. I’m glad that deer didn’t stick around much longer. After he left, I thought about what had just transpired. I was reminded that my life and yours is made up of the same choice I just made. Most people go through life settling for what is safe and sure while God has something so much better for them. This happens because the lure of the good in our sight is stronger than the lure of the best just out of our sight. Are you settling for what is good because you can see the outcome? It may look good, but it may be keeping you from a great gift God has just for you.

Gary Miller has written the Outdoor Truths articles for 20 years. He has also written four books which include compilations of his articles and a father/son devotional. He also speaks at wild-game dinners and men’s events for churches and associations. Miller can be reached via email at


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