OUTDOOR TRUTHS: Love-Hate Relationship with the Wind & Rain
By Gary Miller
I have this love-hate relationship with the wind and rain. I don’t ever remember getting excited to hunt in the rain or during high winds. I have done both several times. And of course, sometimes you get out there when it’s calm and then you end up finding yourself in these aforementioned circumstances. Then, you can either hunker down, hang on to a tree, or make a mad dash for the truck. Again, I’ve done all of these. These are the times I hate the wind and rain. Other times, I love when there’s wind blowing. I can hide my movements so much easier, and the sound is deadened as well. A light rain is also good, especially if I’m making my way through the woods. In both situations if I change my hunting technique from sitting still to moving, I can get closer to my game.
Actually, some of my best stories of harvests involve wind and rain. I can remember arrowing a nice buck because I was able to walk and crawl within twenty-five yards of where it was eating. I can also remember shooting a big tom only fifteen yards away, because the wind hid my every move as I eased my way through the woods. There are plenty of other stories as well. When I really think about it, my best and most successful hunting stories involve wind, rain, and getting closer to an animal than I’ve ever have before.
Allegorically, I think about the wind and rain that comes in my personal life. You know, the pains of life. Without a doubt, I know I have never wanted these things. And if I knew they were coming, I never got excited about their presence. Whatever they brought, was always uncomfortable no matter how much I tried to prepare for them. And most of the time, I found myself just hanging on while these winds were whipping me from side to side, instead of succeeding in any worthwhile endeavor.
But what I have noticed during these times is this. They have allowed me to get closer to God. They have gotten me out of my comfortable spiritual seat that has produced minimal success and have caused me to get down and stalk a giant spiritual truth that God wants me to have but can only give me in this way. Are you facing some wind and rain right now? Are you just hanging on? Maybe it’s time to get down out of the stand and start pursuing God more intently. It might amaze you how close you will get.
Gary Miller can be reached via email at gary@outdoortruths.org.