OUTDOOR TRUTHS: Do You Have A Deer Hunting Bug?
By Gary Miller
Alright guys, it’s officially ok to admit that you’re getting the deer hunting bug. I think the certified time for confession is after the first sign of an acorn shows up on an oak tree. This finding allows us to start speculating as to how good or bad the mast will be and will get us thinking where to hang a tree stand. I know this only applies to us bow hunters, but there are quite a few of us now who choose a stick and string. If you’re not one, this would be a great year to start. I’m not exactly sure why I like bow hunting so much. It may be that it just gives me an earlier opportunity to be in the woods. And I love the woods!
It wasn’t too long ago that a friend allowed me to stay a couple of nights at the old home-place of his relatives. The house was built in the early 1900’s. It was hidden deep in a hollow that was barely accessible by four-wheel drive truck. The only time it was used was for family reunions. I was there because it was in the middle of the woods, quiet, and it gave me a place to gather my thoughts for a small writing project. Houses, in those days were built around necessities.
For instance, most homes were located close to a water source and they were built to be efficient to heat in the winter. On one morning that I was there, I woke up to a little chill in the air. I quickly turned on the small ceramic heater I had brought. As I stood up I slowly stretched my arms to aid in the wakening process and both elbows touched the ceiling. Yes, elbows. I could literally stand with both elbows extended and touch the ceiling. I laughed but knew the ceilings were made low in those days in order to heat the house the most efficiently. Deep in the middle of the woods I enjoyed peaceful night's rest, a profitable time away, and even a warm bath in an old claw-foot bathtub. Now how’s that for memories?
It seems that men are drawn to places like these. We are eternal explorers who love the rough and rustic. We love the outdoors. Creation draws us but it also speaks when we arrive. Its message may be silent, but it’s very clear. The Biblical David put it this way. “The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech. Night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” Yes, the woods draw us but they also have a message when we get there. Make sure you hear what God is saying to you through His creation.
Gary Miller can be reached via e-mail at gary@outdoortruths.org